All filmmakers know that filming the surface of the sea is not enough to explain the extent of its mystery. Sometimes, it is necessary to break the stability of this horizontal and calming plane to understand that the sea is not only its visible appearance, but also, as the title of Mònica Cambra‘s film makes clear, contains “mareas ocultas” (“hidden tides”).

In Film socialisme, Godard contrasts the stability of the sea horizon with the vulgarity of the leisure of cruise travelers. In El cerco, Ricardo Iscar shows how the sea, which seems imperturbable, shakes violently when a group of tuna moves on the surface as they are surrounded by the men who are preparing to fish them. In “Mareas Ocultas”, this stable sea appears as an abstract and smooth stain, like the one that appears at the beginning of the film. But soon, the invisible will emerge, giving us another vision of the constitutive matter of depth, an unexpected, shocking and unforgettable dead nature. It is from that moment, when we understand what is the authentic texture of what seems fluid and impeccable, what are the materials that make up the density of navy blue.

Mònica Cambra follows the observational documentary process. She lives together with the fishermen on the boat and observes what happens and then she comes back to film it again, in a single day, leaving room for surprise. In this case, the repetition of the gestures and the anticipation of what will appear is in itself a visual message, since the repetitive routine multiplies the devastating effect. A single day of fishing serves to show us what is the materiality of what is hidden, like a ritual that seems to have no restraint. The gesture of fishing, emptying the nets and selecting what they contain becomes part of the daily life of a fisherman, of the bureaucratic record, of the work report and the days.

The final shot returns to the beginning, but with the incorporation of a light piece that gives us a new perception of the superficial sea. What is destructive emerges and becomes visible, and it is that cinematographic subtlety that allows us to become aware of it.

Festivals and cinema exhibitions

    • DOCS Barcelona 2020 (Premi DOC-U)
    • SomCinema 2019 Festival de l’Audiovisual Català (Premi Menció Especial del Jurat)
    • U22 Festival de Cinema Jove MACBA (Premi Jurat)
    • Another Way Film Festival 2020, Rueda por el cambio, Madrid (Premio del Jurado)
    • REC 2020, Tarragona (Selecció Autors de Tarragona)
    • Cicle CINEMAR 2020, Festival de Cinema de Menorca
    • Cinema Lliure a la Platja 2020, Nou Talent, Barcelona 2020
    • Mostra de Cinema de Muntanya de Palma 2020, Mallorca
    • Posidonia Green Festival 2020 (November 13th, at 20h30, online)
    • FIIN The Short Film Festival of Biodiversity 2020, Portugal (From 16th to 22th November, online)

* It is currently at the FIBABC 2020 (Festival Iberoamericano de Cortometrajes ABC) until december 2020.

Future festivals

    • Cicle de Cinema Documental i Marítim 2020, Museu de la pesca de Palamós
    • Labmecrazy, Science Film Festival 2020 Navarra (From 1st to 4th February 2021)
    • FIC-CAT 2020 Festival Internacional de Cinema en Català (Official Selection. Deferred until 2021)
    • Festival Internacional de Cinema de València, Cinema Jove, 2020 (From 5th to 9th December)